Sunday 19 August 2012

Petr Pavlensky

Pussy Riot have been all over the media at the moment. Recently it was announced that they have been sentenced to 2 years in jail for "hooliganism on the grounds of religious hatred".
While facing sentencing Russian artist Petr Pavlensky sewed up his mouth in response to the oppression of artists in Russia and their freedom of expression.

"Sewing up my mouth, I showed the situation of the contemporary artist in Russia, living in an environment where there's a ban on publicity, the tightening of censorship and suppression of public statements in contemporary art

Civil disobedience has for a long time been an antagonistic form of protest. Petr's performance piece not only comments on the struggles of Pussy Riot but all who have been demonised under a false perception of democracy. By law we are supposed to be protected but when push comes to shove we are beaten and accused. 

More and more we are coming to grips with the oppression that our governments are allowing and instigating to silence the masses and the few who no longer bow down to the lies we are being pushed through the media. 

Do they expect us to lie down and take the beatings or will we rise and fight back?

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