Sunday 19 August 2012

Tavi Gevinson

I saw this video last night and thought I'd share it.

Tavi Gevinson started a blog for teenagers which progressed into an online magazine called Rookie.
Even if we don't like to admit it sometimes, we are all "still figuring it out" still.

Bette Davis

“When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch.” 
― Bette Davis

Petr Pavlensky

Pussy Riot have been all over the media at the moment. Recently it was announced that they have been sentenced to 2 years in jail for "hooliganism on the grounds of religious hatred".
While facing sentencing Russian artist Petr Pavlensky sewed up his mouth in response to the oppression of artists in Russia and their freedom of expression.

"Sewing up my mouth, I showed the situation of the contemporary artist in Russia, living in an environment where there's a ban on publicity, the tightening of censorship and suppression of public statements in contemporary art

Civil disobedience has for a long time been an antagonistic form of protest. Petr's performance piece not only comments on the struggles of Pussy Riot but all who have been demonised under a false perception of democracy. By law we are supposed to be protected but when push comes to shove we are beaten and accused. 

More and more we are coming to grips with the oppression that our governments are allowing and instigating to silence the masses and the few who no longer bow down to the lies we are being pushed through the media. 

Do they expect us to lie down and take the beatings or will we rise and fight back?

Monday 13 August 2012

Wellington Rape Crisis Cuts

As of Monday 13th August, Wellington Rape Crisis have had to cut their services down to 4 days a week because of lack of funding. My first reaction after getting the news is to look more into it. First thing I see when I open the Rape Prevention Education Whakatu Mauri  ( website is John Key's smug face quoting "I applaud Rape Prevention Education for its work to improve awareness of sexual violence and to protect New Zealanders. Your contribution to our communities is greatly appreciated". Oh John. I see past your smoke and mirrors and I am not the only one who does.
What is sad to see is him acknowledging the importance of such organisations within our communities and yet not offering enough financial assistance to keep them running. I encourage anyone who reads this to please offer support to these organisations in any way or form you can.

Some ideas:
- write a letter to your local MP or call them!
-  add them on facebook
- volunteer
- donate if you can

Wellington Rape Crisis:

Rape Prevention Education:

Thursday 9 August 2012

I am...

I am a woman living in 21st century New Zealand. I am a feminist in a world that oppresses. I am an art  student in a society that crushes creativity. I am a socialist surrounded by capitalists. I am a revolutionary when others need my voice. I am a conservationist for those who don't have a voice. I am a 21st century feminist.